Verwaltung von virtuellen Maschinen und Jails für FreeBSD

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Attention! Current pages describe CBSD version 13.0.x. If you are using an older version, please update first.

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Work with CBSD through Puppet

When you operate a large number of nodes and containers, handmade container management becomes ineffective

There are many of today's popular configuration management systems: Ansible, Chef, Saltstack, Puppet etc., written in different languages and with different concepts and principles of.

At this point, we support CBSD module for Puppet and here is a brief information on its use.

Project page at Puppet Forge: CBSD puppet

Description - for which this module

Puppet CBSD

module allows to write server configuration using declarative programming (Ruby DSL, domain-specific language).

In other words, you create a manifesto describing what the container and with what parameters and characteristics should be on a particular server.

Further work on the implementation of these requirements Puppet takes over.

Examples of the use of the module

For installing CBSD on the server, just declare the class cbsd:

		class { 'cbsd': }

If you are installing CBSD manually (eg not via pkg/ports, and have Git version, you can disable installation/registration CBSD package by module:

	class { 'cbsd':
		manage_repo => false,

In the class of all parameters can be defined initenv. For example, to initialize CBSD with /usr/jails workdir and enable NAT framework:

	class { 'cbsd':
		jnameserver => "",
		nat_enable => '1',
		defaults => {
			'workdir'         => '/usr/jails',

You can force CBSD download specific base version:

	class { "cbsd::freebsd_bases":
		ver => [ '12' ],
		stable => 1,

Create jail:

	cbsd::jail { 'myjail0':
		pkg_bootstrap => '0',
		host_hostname => '',

If you prefer to work with parameters through Yaml, в Hierra it might look like:

	    host_hostname: ''